selena gomez and justin bieber dating proof

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  • milo
    Jul 25, 08:50 AM
    The Might Mouse is the worst piece of crap Apple has ever released. Everyone knows it!
    The only reason anyone would buy this thing is because of blind Apple brand loyalty.

    You're trolling, right?

    And don't forget...Apple is including the MM with the G5's and iMacs. That's why I have one, and I wish all my computers have one.

    I love this image, it is sooooo over the top for one mouse. If it was even a mac mini it would look more appropriate, but a mouse on a table with white paneling on all sides is in my opinion really idiotic.

    You do realize that's a shot inside a lab somewhere, not a posed publicity image, right?

    Wonder how much the upgrade will be for iMac/tower buyers. And will it be a bundle with the BT keyboard, or available separately?

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  • hayesk
    Jul 25, 10:41 AM
    It seems like a major problem with this would be the fact that you get no tactile feedback. However, I have tapping enabled on my iBook and I don't find it odd or uncomfortable at all then I "click" on something. I'm sure it would take some getting used to, but I imagine that it could work.

    The 3G iPod did not have physical feedback, and they worked.

    But the problem here is everyone is assuming that none-touch means you don't even touch the iPod. Did it occur to anyone that it means you don't have to touch the screen? This allows Apple to put a more durable transparent cover over the entire face of the iPod.

    Think about it - a nice smooth seamless iPod face. When you put your finger over the display, the controls appear. Your finger touches the cover, but not the screen underneath. This allows for easy cleaning, and protection of the actual screen.

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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 30, 10:30 PM

    -aggie- is so called seer. I trust that. Chrmjenkins seems clean. I know I'm not. So it's him left. lbro as well, but I don't get that vibe from him.

    What vibe exactly am I not sending out? In all of the games I've played, I have never had a role other than plain ordinary villager. This game is no different.

    I agree that -aggie- and Chrmjenkins are most likely not wolves. Not sure about you or lbro. But you were awfully quick to single me out, which smacks of some hidden furriness on your part. So my vote is for you, jav6454.

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  • nick004
    Oct 24, 09:13 AM
    Looking at the 15" models. With the educational discount, is it worth an extra $500 for the 15" 2.33GHz, 2GB Ram, 256MB Graphics. The other model is 2.16GHz, 1GB Ram & 128MB Graphics.

    I'm going for the extra video RAM, i know it doesn't help much but it is a crappy card and needs to last me at least 2 years. Good enough for WoW though!


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  • MacTheSpoon
    Apr 22, 05:16 PM
    I'd love it if they got the bezel that small. Especially if the overall size of the phone didn't change much. Hope it happens.

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  • slffl
    Jul 21, 12:00 PM
    I'm still wondering what is good about this. I see it as a bad thing. More viruses, more crap shareware, lesser quality products.


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  • twoodcc
    Nov 3, 08:03 PM
    We got them!
    Well, we may pass each other back and forth a few times before we can really pull away...
    Next target: 2.3 weeks away! Keep Folding!

    And a little pat in the back as I just took the #8 spot on the team. Watch out this week #7! After it gets more tricky and WhiteRabbit is coming behind faaaaast...

    looks like we're ahead now i think

    That dang i7 is going back to normal units until I can figure out why it is so sloooooow... like a tortise...

    how slow?

    i engaged an octo late last week, will set up another tomorrow. they both run 24/7.

    the graphic designers using them rarely require more than 1 core anyway :)

    alright! nice! let us know how they are doing, and run the bigadv units if you can

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  • Patdt13
    Jan 29, 11:52 AM
    Pre-ordered 127 Hours off Amazon

    Along with the soundtrack


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  • yg17
    Apr 29, 03:28 PM
    With all the improvements made to Amazon MP3 lately, there really is NO reason to buy music from the iTunes store anymore. None.

    Agreed. I'm glad Amazon is using MP3. I refuse to spend a dime on AAC files. My car doesn't play them, I don't want them.

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  • yg17
    May 1, 10:06 PM
    AMERICA, **** YEAH!


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  • doctor-don
    Apr 24, 09:09 PM
    Let's all spell it together.


    AT&T had it at one time. Hence, TMobile couldn't have the iPhone, or any other carrier in the United States.

    The more you know.....

    It's absolutely ridiculous it has taken this long for tmobile to have the iphone in the usa.

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  • astewart
    Nov 3, 01:33 PM
    I can't wait to compare Parallels and WMWare Fusion.

    I'm still waiting for an E-mail back from them too.


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  • AJClayton
    Apr 1, 06:12 AM
    That is really horrible. I think it's so awful that I'm at a loss to find suitably cutting adjectives to describe just how dreadful it is. :eek:

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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 28, 07:58 AM
    This is great news! When the Zune is at its peak in three-five years, it can coincide with the first release of Vista in 2009-2012.

    Do you seriously think VISTA (Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans & Adware) is going to be released that early?:rolleyes: lol.


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  • needsomecoffee
    Apr 11, 02:28 PM
    Evidently not too many folks watched all the segments from yesterday's post about FCP in one of the NAB discussions. Towards the end of that discussion, the biz dev guy from 3ality described a demo at Intel he attended. Recalling (a little fuzzy on this) he said Intel had set up a processor in one location, and the processors memory in another location ONE MILE DISTANT connected by ThBolt. They then ran some cpu/memory intensive demo. He was blow away that it ran super fast. Try doing that with USB.

    All I can say is, "Thank God." Near term I get rid of tons of cables -- I have seven attached to my MBP on my desktop right now (external monitor, FW800 for external drive, Ethernet, FW400 for scanner, USB for keyboard, USB for printer, and audio out to external speakers). Long-term it is possible Thunderbolt will enable changes we can't envision right now.

    My only issue is the name "Thunderbolt" and the weird lightening bolt (that to date has always meant "touch this an you die from electrocution"). Light Peak was nearly perfect IMHO. Oh well, I'm guessing some committee group came up with this.

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 13, 11:22 PM
    Now I'd just wait for the iPhone 5

    Yup. I'm going to get an iPhone 5. Come to think of it, it will be my first Apple product thats not a Mac.


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  • lehite
    Apr 13, 02:19 PM
    I find this highly unlikely. Even if I did believe and it came true I couldn't afford one.

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  • siryn
    Apr 14, 10:07 AM
    Nope, I'm also on the original and had it since the first day of release.

    amen, brother (sister?).. i, too, am in the original iphone club. i didn't think the 3G or 3GS were worthy of an upgrade.. but iphone 4 was beautiful and i was finally ready. unfortunately, i fell in love with the white so i waited.. and waited..

    it's been a very painful 10 months, but now that i've waited this long, i'm trying to be strong and hold out for the iphone 5. i wish i knew whether it was coming out in june or september. if september for sure, i would just get the iphone 4.. argh.

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  • asleep
    Apr 22, 07:21 PM
    Sweet. :apple:

    Dunno what all the whining is about.

    Sep 14, 09:24 AM
    got this "tank" just a while ago

    Oct 18, 05:59 PM
    I wish I had the money to invest a couple of months ago when Apple's stock was ~$50.:(

    Aug 15, 02:06 PM
    I want a way to see how much space the trash is taking up before I empty it. Is there a way? There was in OS 9 and OS 8.

    I use the Junk Meter widget ( to see mine and just leave it sitting open on Dashboard all the time.

    May 3, 09:15 AM
    You'd have to be a fool to order that from Apple. Their upgrade prices on SSD's are a joke! It'd probably be cheaper to wait it out a couple of months and get an external thunderbolt one - it'll be just as fast if not faster!

    The prices are way too high but upgrading yourself is a task most people don't want to attempt (removing the glass is a bit daunting). External thunderbolt would be nice but I don't think there's any enclosures for sale yet.

    Apr 22, 04:20 PM
    Well, there's someone else saying something else. Great. :rolleyes:



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