These are steam locomotives at the factory to move the cars around. Not big, because they weren't moving a whole train

I've posted one photo somewhere in the past of a vehicle like the one above... can't recall where it is. This was just to move things about at the factory

The above shows the accordian wall device to allow people to travel between cars without being exposed to the outside soot from the locomotive exhaust and weather

Above and below show the factory method of moving the cars sideways on the "Table"

The above cutaway is similar to the Pullman Progress poster detail pieces below

the above poster has been put to use on a website
http://thelibrary.org/lochist/frisco/history/pullman.cfm so that you can click on each of the railcars (like you see below) and get a full page, big detailed look at them, and their description.

All of these unless noted otherwise, are from one website
http://www.pullman-museum.org/cgi-bin/pvm/newGetSubjects.pl?subject=Pullman%20Train%20Cars which has much much more to see. This is just a quick look at the elegant luxury of the fortunately wealthy from 1860-1940's and the signature way of traveling in style and opulance that very few ever could manage.
One of the above articles in 1981 said about 500 Palace cars remained, and only about a handful were still rated by Amtrack in America to get pulled along by the Amtrack trains. I would guess very few were ever exported tot he wealithiest of other countries, but that those may have greater numbers that are allowed to ride the rails for he right price, condition irrelevant.
For a big gallery of full size hi-def, hi-res photos of the restored Pullman at the Nethercutt Museum I visited a couple months ago:
http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2011/05/private-pullman-palace-railcar-century.htmlThis whole post is due to a link from Mary D, she is writing a book that involves the characters using Pullmans, and shared the link with me to share with all of you. Thanks Mary D!
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